GIT-Fans - Algorithms and Examples



Janko Böhm, Simon Keicher, Yue Ren

Paper: Computing GIT-Fans with Symmetry and the Mori Chamber Decomposition of M0,6



Resolution of Singularities In the paper we present an algorithm to compute the GIT-fan for torus actions on affine varieties with symmetries. The algorithm combines computational techniques from commutative algebra, convex geometry and group theory. We have implemented our algorithm in the library gitfan.lib for the computer algebra system Singular. Using our implementation, we compute the Mori chamber decomposition of the cone of movable divisors of the Deligne-Mumford moduli space of 6-pointed stable curves of genus 0.


Library: gitfan.lib



The library gitfan.lib for the computer algebra system Singular computes GIT-fans, torus orbits and GKZ-fans. A version without the use of symmetry groups is contained in the current Singular distribution. The symmetric version of the library will first be available in the Singular Source Code Github repository. Since the library relies on changes in the Singular kernel, you will have to compile Singular from the sources. The library will be contained in the next binary release of Singular.


Data: The Mori Chamber Decomposition of the Movable Cone of M0,6



We provide a Singular library M06chambers.lib, which can be used to read out the GIT-fan data from the file M06hashes.sing containing the hashes representing the GIT-cones. The library relies on the files S6S90.sing and OC90.sing encoding the symmetry group action and the orbit cones. It contains functions to convert a hash into a GIT-cone and the compute the corresponding orbit. See the file M06chambers.sing for examples how to use the library. The library is contained in the Singular Source Code Github repository. Since the library relies on changes in the Singular kernel, for the moment you will have to compile Singular from the sources. The changes will be contained in next binary release of Singular.