Efficient tariff systems for sustainable mobility

EASIER (sEAmless SustaInable EveRyday urban mobility) is an interdisciplinary, transnational research project, funded for 3 years.

The goal of EASIER is to increase the share of active and sustainable personal transport modes, such as walking, biking, public transport and shared mobility services, and to integrate them to appealing multimodal journeys. The subproject „Efficient tariff systems for sustainable mobility“ at RPTU aims to use tariff systems actively to increase the demand and share of public transport. Therefore, tariff systems and pricing strategies for integrated mobility systems are analyzed and developed, focussing on passenger behavior, their route choice and the underlying line network.

For further information, please visit the project website.


Joint EU project:

ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC)

This subproject:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)