Optimization of Emergency Rescue in Rhineland-Palatinate: Strategic Planning and Analysis

Since January 2020 the Ministry of the Interior and Sport in Rhineland-Palatinate has been funding the project ONE PLAN of the Optimization Research Group at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau. The main goal of the project is to develop a planning tool providing assistance in strategic planning and analysis of emergency rescue services.


The provision of emergencies is subject to challenges which require continuous optimization of the given structures. These challenges include, for example, demographic developments and changing criteria for emergency rescues.

To achieve a constant improvement process the rescue provision must be continuously checked and adjusted. Changes in reserve, relocation, removal or new establishment of emergency stations have far-reaching effects in a multifactorial system. These effects go beyond the boundaries of individual cities, counties and rescue service areas.

In order to do justice to the disposition bases that have been established for years on the basis of the geoposition of the nearest emergency vehicle and to be able to propose intelligent and future oriented solutions, the existing instruments must be expanded with an easy-to-use planning tool.


The main goal of ONE PLAN is to develop a strategic analysis and planning tool for emergency services. On the one hand, the tool, based on mathematical models from the area of robust optimization, should provide possible location plans for the emergency stations as well as possible provision plans for the emergency vehicles. On the other hand, the user should be able to get an overview of the performance of pre-calculated plans as well as manually adapted plans using an event-based simulation. The planning tool is therefore also an important controlling tool.

Another goal of the project is for the team at the Optimization Research Group at the TU Kaiserslautern to provide continuous consulting in questions of planning emergency rescue services for the Ministry of the Interior and Sport in Rhineland-Palatinate.
