Workshop: Mathematics in industrial applications and strategic networking event

A workshop focused on industrial applications of mathematics will be held at the RPTU in Kaiserslautern on May 12, 2023. The purpose of this event is to gather a cross-section of applied math in Kaiserslautern, with the focus on industrial practice. Contributions from research laboratories and universities are greatly appreciated, too. Participants have the opportunity to give talks about their professional lives and do networking during the panel discussion.


Indicative Timetable:

11:00   Reception

11:10   Talks (10 minutes each)

13:00   Lunch break

14:30   Panel discussion on talent recruitment

15:00   Talks (10 minutes each)

17:00   Official end of the event


Please register via simeon(at) Thanks to the sponsoring by SIEMENS AG and RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau the workshop is free of charge.