Christian   Eder
Computer Algebra
Symbolic Computation
Polynomial System Solving

Active Development


An open source software library written in plain C for polynomial system solving including Gröbner basis computations, normal forms and saturation
by Jérémy Berthomieu, Christian Eder, Mohab Safey El Din
[website] [sources]


An open source julia package for algebraically solving multivariate polynomial systems using msolve under the hood
by Jérémy Berthomieu, Christian Eder, Mohab Safey El Din
[website] [sources]


An Open source computer algebra research system written in Julia
by the Oscar team
[website] [sources]


An open source computer algebra system
by the Singular team
[website] [sources]


A open source plain C library for specialized linear algebra for Gröbner basis computations
by Brice Boyer, Christian Eder, Jean-Charles Faugère and Fayssal Martani


A open source plain C implementation of a special purpose memory allocator for the computer algebra system Singular
by Christian Eder

Further Contributions


A open source C++ implementation of Grouml;bner basis algorithms
by Bjarke Hammersholt Roune and Mike Stillman


A open source C++ implementation of special purpose linear algebra
by Bradford Hovinen and Fayssal Martani