Financial Mathematics Group

Successful habilitation of Sascha Desmettre

On November 28, 2018, Sascha Desmettre from the Financial Mathematics Group has successfully achieved the habilitation (state doctorate).

Already in March he submitted his habilitation thesis with the title "Advances in Portfolio Selection, Risk Management, Dividend Modeling". Then, as a next step, on October 31 he gave a scientific talk of length one hour about "Raue Pfade in der Finanzmathematik und der Stochastik". The habilitation procedure was completed on November 28 by an extremely well-attended habilitation lecture. In 45 minutes Mr. Desmettre explained the Theorem of Fisher-Gnedenko-Tippett to the audience.

The Financial Mathematics Group congratulates to the successful habilitation and wishes Mr. Desmettre all the best for his academic career!

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