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Felix Klein Colloquium: Mechanical Aspects of Tumour Growth and Spread

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The talk will focus on several phenomena related to tumor growth and spread in which mechanical aspects play a relevant role. After introducing the multiphase framework, the talk wll deal with the phenomenon of contact inhibition and then, using continuum mechanics and an individual cell-based model, with the interaction of tumour cells with the sorrounding environment and in particular with the network of
fibers that are present in most tissues. Finally, the phenomenon of cell compartimentalization is described and how its failure can initiate the invasion of the surrounding tissue and the spread of metastasis that
need to pass through basal membranes and cell lining in order to penetrate the vascular and lymphatic vessels.

It will be shown how, in order to do that, different mathematical models need to be developed and how information need to pass from microscopic to macroscopic models to have as far as possible a more
complete picture.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Luigi Preziosi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Time: 17:15 - 18:30 o'clock

Place: Building 48, room 210

The lectures of the Felix Klein Colloquium will be held at 17:15 in room 210 of the Mathematics Building 48. Beforehand - from 16:45 - there will be an opportunity to meet the speaker at the colloquium tea in room 580.

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